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Music therapy

     Music therapy is music in the context of mediate to assuage by listening, singing or playing that will affect the development of mind and body. It could be any kind of music that is up to the patient's music experience and relativity to music.

     Music therapy’s theory is a combination of psychology and musicology which music affects in psychology and brain activity directly. Patient’s favorite melody could activate their consciousness and make them comfortably express it out. Music therapy assuaging is different from listening to music, music therapy assuaging needs usage of music that patient has relativity with, relation between patient and the assuage and obvious goal of the assuage. There’s a research exploring that listening to music helps decrease Cortisol hormone which is cause of depression in a way more effective and better than taking tranquilizer, however, in case of taking music therapy assuaging with serious disease treatment still need to take medicine simultaneously. Apart from that, people except for patients can use music therapy to relax their mind, too.

       Therefore, It needs to consider about the patient's demand, otherwise he/she won't be respond and refuse the therapy.  So, it's according to having his/her own music playlist (Universe) to give the appropriate therapy for each one.

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